Sunday 2 September 2012

Chapter 9 and chapter 10

Enabling The Organization - Decision Making

There are some reasons why people need decision making system information system to be growth. 
  • The decision must be done promptly
  • Large amount of decision making that must be made
  • Employees must secure their corporate asset of the company
Transaction processing system have two process in it which called

On line transaction processing (OLTP)
- capture transaction and event
- process the info
- store the info
- update existing info

On line analytical processing (OLAP)
- manipulate the info to create biz intelligence in order to support decision making.

There are 3 model of decision support system which is
  1. Sensitivity analysis
  2. What-if analysis
  3. Goal-seeking analysis
These 3 model have the same function which is help people to make the decision but have difference in how they operate to make the solution.

Extending the Organization - Supply Chain Management

3 main links that exist in SCM
Material - flows from supplier and upstream supplier
Transformation - the process where the materials convert in product
Distribution - the product delivered to the customers and downstream customers

Supply chain management (SCM) is the management of a network of interconnected businesses involved in the provision of product and service packages required by the end customers in a supply chain. Supply chain management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption.
Another definition of SCM is the "design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand and measuring performance globally."

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Chapter 8


Data warehouse is a logical collection of information
- gathered from many different operational database
- support business analysis activities and decision making tasks.

Before the data are loading into the data warehouse, the data first will be extracted from internal and external database and then transform the info using a common set of enterprise definitions. This process is called......

ETL - Extraction, transformation and loading

Different with databases (contain information in a series of two- dimensional tables), data warehouse and data mining have information that is multidimensional (contain layers of column and rows)

There are also a process called Information cleansing or scrubbing. This process weeds out and fix or delete inconsistent, incorrect, or incomplete info. It is to maintain high-quality data in the data warehouse.

Biz intelligence - info that people use to support in decision making. There are 3 principle BI enablers which is technology, people and culture......

Monday 20 August 2012

Chapter 7

Storing Organizational Information - Database

As I said in previous entry, information are everywhere in an organization. So, it means that there must be one storage that used to store that info. The answer is...... 


There are 3 types model of database which is 
  • hierarchical database model
  • network database model
  • relational database model
The function for this 3 model is same - to store the info but the difference is the way the info is stored and each one of the model are suitable for particular types of information.

There are 2 elements of information that stored in the database which is, entity and attributes. Primary keys and foreign keys identify the various entity classes (tables) in the database

5 database advantages from business perspective....

scalability & performance
information integrity
information security

and lastly..........reduce info redundancy

Wednesday 15 August 2012

~~Alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah~~

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kpd sesiapa saja yang mengunjungi ke blog ini...Disebabkan arini aakku dah kering idea so aku juz present about my hometown....

So secara amnye (da boring guna basically) Kuala Kangsar terdiri daripada beberapa bahagian iaitu Sg. Siput, Kota Lama Kanan, Kota Lama Kiri, Sayong, Lubuk Merbau, Chegar Galah, Senggang, Kampung Buaya dan Pulau Kamiri. Kuala Kangsar adalah salah satu daerah di Perak dan merupakan Bandar Diraja

Adelah beberapa tempat menarik yang anda harus kunjungi jika datang ke sini LET'S ROLL!!!!!

Istana Kuning@Muzium Diraja
Masjid Ubudiah
Dataran Putra
Jambatan Sultan Abdul Jalil

Galeri Sultan Azlan Shah
Jam Besar Kuala Kangsar
Tapi kan dalam byk2 tempat nie, ade 1 tempat yg sayee rasekan paling menarik and xpernah boring even pergi tiap2 hari pun.....


Sunday 12 August 2012

Chapter 6

Valuing Organizational Information


In organization, there are many information in it. A good worker will find the information needed, process or analyse and then do the decision making. This is important because it will effect the company's direction and profitability. 

There are 3 level of organizational information and they are information level, information formats and information granularities. Timeliness is an aspect of information that depends on the situation.

Real-time information
"immediate, up-to-date info"

Real-time system
"provides real-time info in response to query request"

 The business decision will good varies to the quality of the information that worker search. It is unfortunate if you are using technology but later, provide bad decision making to the company. This will give bad consequences to the company. 

A good information have characteristic such as accuracy, completeness, consistency, uniqueness and timeliness while bad info have redundancy, do not have evidence, and not accurate.

2 benefits if good information is achieved.
  • Improve the chance of making good decision making
  • Directly impact an organization's bottom line.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

~~Alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah~~ (Part 3)

Assalamualaikum dan selamat petang kepada rakan2 dan taulan serta Miss Salina yang disayangi seluruh para pelajarnye...Moga2 kalian berada dalam keadaan yang sihat disamping keluarga hendaknya...

Tajuk persembahan ambo pada hari ini ialah Individu/Kugiran (kumpulan gitar rancak) Kegemaran Saya. Kalau ikut sejarahnye ambo nie peminat lagu-lagu Melayu xkirelah Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapura mahupun Brunei...Tapi sejak kawe ambo memperdengarkan lagu2 Inggeris (terutamanya genre hardcore metalcore dan yang sama waktu dengannya) ambo jadi jatuh cinta....Berikut merupakan band2 kegemaran ambo serta bandmates ambo.....

Nie la major influence band aku...kteorg minat dari dulu, kini dan selamanya..............

Eyes Set To Kill....minat sebab vokalis perempuan tapi main lagu hardcore... GEMPAK beb!!!!

As Blood Runs Black....drummer diorg Lich (2 dari kanan) is one of my favourite drummer....

Trivium...lagu2 diorg catchy, sekali dengar trus minat huhu....

Bullet For My Valentine...lagu band nie yang paling aku suka Waking The Demon....hehe

Haaa!!! yang nie exception...even xmain lagu genre hardcore tapi aku tetap minat...sehari jamming kalau xmain lagu Kosong mesti rase xpuas...hoho >.<

Friday 27 July 2012

Chapter 5

Organizational Structure that Support Strategic Initiatives

Assalamualaikum and a very good afternoon to everyone...I hope you are in a pink of health so that we able continue our lesson chapter 5; organizational structure that support strategic initiatives...In this chapter we are going to learn about IT roles and responsibilities, the difference between biz personnel and IT and ethics...

There are 5 IT personnel that you should know and they are;

Chief Information Officer
- oversees all uses of IT and ensures the strategic alignment of IT with business goals and objectives.

Chief Technology Officer
- ensuring the throughput, speed, accuracy, availability and reliability of IT

Chief Security Officer
- responsible for ensuring the security of IT system

Chief Privacy Officer
- ensuring the ethical and legal use of information

Chief Knowledge Office
- responsible for collecting, maintaining and distributing the organization's knowledge

There are differences between biz personnel and It personnel but many of us might still confuse and think they are the same person with the same job and responsibilities. These 2 points might help you to identify which one is biz personnel and IT personnel.....

  • biz personnel are expert in sales, marketing and accounting.
  • It personnel are expert in technological stuffs 

Ethics is the principles and standards that guide our behaviour toward other people. One element of ethics is privacy which means you have control and possession of your item/stuff and anyone cannot observed with your consent.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Disebalik tabir ~~Alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah~~ hew hew

Haaa!!! Mesti korang nak tau kan macam mane admin boleh terpikir nak bg nama entri sebagai ~~Alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah~~..

Nak dijadikan kisah admin nie dulu waktu kecik2 mmg minat dengan cerita2 Tan Sri P. Ramlee dan partner2 beliau seperti Aziz Satar, S. Shamsuddin (Bujang Lapok), A.R. Tompel dan Ibrahim Din (Do Re Mi). Boleh dikatakan memang xjemulah tgk gelagat diorg dlm filem filem tuh walaupun umur admin sekarang dah mencecah 20 tahun...

So dalam byk2 babak, adegan inilah yang admin paling minat skali and siap hafal lagi skripnye... Korang boleh la play video nie and ikut skrip yang admin bg kat bwh nie...hoho

Ajis: Alkisah...
Sudin: Taib!!!
Ajis: Alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah...
Sudin: Taibbbb!!! (2 harakat)
Ajis: Sang kancil datang beramai-ramai mengadap kebawah duli yang maha mulia sultan firaun...
Ramli: Mana firaun pakai sultannn...
Ajis: Entahhh.......

So demikianlah bagaimana terciptanya nama entri yg berjudul ~~Alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah~~ hew hew

Sunday 22 July 2012

Chapter 4

Measuring The Success of Strategic Initiatives

What a beautiful day today and let's continue our lesson with awesome spirit and full of confidence....Oh! before that assalamualaikum and good morning to everyone...Today we will learn chapter 4. Generally chapter 4 are about efficiency and effectiveness IT metrics...

First of all what is the purpose of efficiency IT metrics????
"measures the performance of the IT system itself including THROUGHPUT, SPEED and AVAILABILITY"
Efficiency also can be said as "doing things right". When we do something right, then the process of completing the task will be quick and no delay will be happened. The focus is on the speed of the completing the task

Second is effectiveness IT metrics
"measures the impact IT has on business processes and activities including CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, CONVERSION RATES and SELL-THROUGH INCREASES"
The other name for effectiveness is "doing right things". So, we will focus on the things or job that involved in completing the task, not the time required taken to do the task.

A good company is always have high level of efficiency and effectiveness. As you can see in the diagram, the best position that a company can be is at the right top of the graph....

Monday 16 July 2012

~~Alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah~~ hew hew (Part 2)

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera saya tujukan kepada anda semua khususnya Miss Salina yang akan menilai blog saya ini..hoho

Hari ni saya akan menceritakan tentang sebuah band yang sangat dikenali di Indonesia dan Malaysia disebabkan lagunya2nya yang best dan kontroversi vokalisnya (hehe) >.<

Band itu adalah..........

Bukanlah niat di hati ini untuk menceritakan kontroversi tersebut tapi kerana band inilah yang banyak memberi pengaruh kepada band kami seperti yang saya ceritakan dalam Alkisah Part 1...Mesti korang tau lagu Mimpi Yang Sempurna KAN3!!!!

Kat bwh nie saya sertakan video officialnya dan lirik sekali dgn chord...Bleh la korang play video nih then capai gitar akustik korg (kalau ade la, pinjam pun boleh) trus jamming...hoho. Chordnya sangat senang dan merupakan combination chord yang bese dipakai oleh musician untuk buat lagu iaitu Em, C, G dan D...

Peterpan - Mimpi yang Sempurna
Em         C             G
Mungkinkah bila ku bertanya
D                 Em
Pada bintang-bintang
Em       C             G
Dan bila ku mulai merasa 
              D   Em C G D
bahasa kesunyian

Em       C               G
Sadarkan aku yang berjalan
D              Em
dalam kehampaan
Em       C              G
Terdiam, terpana, terbata
Semua dalam keraguan
Em C    G   D      Em    C   G    D          
Aku dan semua yang terluka karena kita
Em C          G   
Aku kan menghilang 
D                Em
dalam pekat malam
Em C           G  D
Lepas ku melayang
Em   C           G
Biarlah ku bertanya
D                  Em
pada bintang-bintang
C              G
Tentang arti kita
dalam mimpi yang sempurna

Thursday 12 July 2012

Chapter 3

Assalamualaikum kehadapan sahabatku yang dikasihi sekalian. Moga anda semua berada dalam keadaan yang sihat hendaknya untuk kita meneruskan pembelajaran kita pada kali ini. Tajuk seterusnya yang kita akan belajar ialah

 Strategic Initiatives for Implementing Competitive Advantage

There are 4 strategic initiatives that company can take and they are.................................

Supply chain management (SCM) 
- the management of information flows between and among stages in a supply chain to maximize total supply chain effectiveness and profitability

Customer relationship management (CRM)
- managing all aspects of a customer's relationship with an organization to increase customer loyalty and retention and an organization's profitability

Business process reengineering (BPR)
- the analysis and redesign of workflow within and between enterprise

Enterprise resources planning (ERP)

- integrates all departments and functions throughout an organization into a single IT system to ease in decision making.

Saturday 7 July 2012

~~Alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah~~ hew hew..

sumber: Folder Image Nokia 5300

Tu dia mari adik2 abang2 kakak2 pakcik makcik sekalian!!!! Cheq nak cerita 1 kisah lampau zaman dahulu kala...Kejadian nie telah mengubah pandangan hidup cheq terhadap muzik yg dah lama jadi keghairahan hidup cheq...

Nampak tak gambaq kat ataih tu?? Ha tu la gambaq cheq mula-mula skali berjamming @ main dram dalam hidup cheq. Ape???? xtau jamming tu ape??? ha pegi la search kat cik Google...hoho

Insiden yang mengerikan ini berlaku lebih kurang pkul 1.00 ptg ++ betul2 lepas program sekolah yakni merentas desa. Kawan2 cheq yg laen memaksa cheq dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan tekunnya sedangkan hati cheq ingin pulang ke rumah untuk menikmati juadah hidangan tengahari emak di rumah...

Disebabkan ingin menjaga hati kawan2 serta taulan, jadi cheq pun ikut la jugak...Lagi 1 sebab kenapa cheq xmau pi ialah cheq xtau langsung nak main alat muzik apatah lagi gitar...Depa suma tau maen gitar (newbies@noob jew tp still bleh main la)...Disebabkan tak ade sape pun yang tahu main dram jadi cheq dengan rela hatinya mengisi kekosongan jawatan tersebut....

Kami pun jamminglah dengan serabainye selama 1 jam dan dikenakan RM15 (kalau xsilap la) di Studio Zai Am tuh...Kami jamming lagu Mimpi Yang Sempurna dan itulah satu-satunya lagu yang kami tahu mase tuh...Skarang klau cheq dengaq lagu tuh cheq akan teringat zaman mula2 cheq terjerumus dalam lembah muzik yang tak bersempadan ini...

Gambar ini diambil pada 17 Januari 2009 lokasi di Studio Zai Am...2 org dibelakang cheq ialah Din (rhythm), Emy (lead guitar), depan cheq tu adik kepada Emy (assistant jew) and yg amik gambar Nazrin (ex-bassist)...Muka sume cam bdk2 jew lagi hoho.....

Sekian saja warkah saya buat kali ini, sekian..... hew hew >.<

Monday 2 July 2012

Chapter 2


Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam (ketika artikel ini ditulis) kepada saudara saudari yang sudi melihat entri saya kali ini...hew hew >.<. Ok saya teruskan entri kali ini dgn tajuknya yg berjudul Competitive Advantage hasil gubahan M.Nasir dan liriknya Habsah Hasan..hoho takdelah gurau jew...

First of all what is competitive advantage???
"product or services that an organization's customer place a greater value on than similar offerings from a competitor"
There are 5 forces model that we use to evaluating business segments. These 5 forces of model is very important and  related in our daily life and they are JENG JENG JENG!!!!!!

   - assessed by analyzing the ability of buyers to directly impact the price they are willing to pay for an item

   - assessed by the supplier ability to directly impact the the price they are charging for supplies.

   -  high when there are many alternatives to a product of service and low when there are few  alternatives from which to choose.

   - high when it is easy for new competitor to enter a market and low when there are significant entry barriers to entering a market

   - high when competition is fierce in a market and low when competition is complacent.

Also there are Porter's Three Generic Strategies which  can be concluded in a single picture.

That's all my general view for chapter 2. hew hew >.<

Monday 25 June 2012

Lesson Of The Week (Week 1)

source: Google Image

Hoho that's really true...I  took some time to write this after writing the title of this assignment. Okay, enough with jokes now turn to

source: Google Image

SERIOUS MODE ======================>

Actually Madam Salina Safian my IT's lecturer asked each of her student to do summarization about what we have learned each week and post at our blog and THEN I WAS LIKE..............................

beep! beep! beep!

Don't laugh it's true you know!!!. I don't have any idea what I want to write and for your information this is my first blog ever BUT it's okay I will try my best to explain the very first chapter in my syllabus titled

Chapter 1: Business Driven Technology

The first thing that you should know is definition of IT
"A field concerned with the use of technology in managing and processing information"

So, can we relate this definition of IT in terms of business function :--

Source: Google Image

Next definition will be MIS which stands for Management Information Systems
"A general name for the business function and academic discipline covering the application of people, technologies and procedures - collectively called information system - to solve business problem"

So, basically MIS is what you can see in the diagram above. Human Resources, Finance and Accounting, Marketing and Sales, Operations and Information Technology.

There are 3 important aspect that we should know in order to learn IT which is:--

Data, information and business intelligence
Data - are values of qualitative or quantitative variables, belonging to a set of item.
Example: Salina, 1972

Information - data converted into a meaningful and useful context.
Example: Date of birth is 1972

Business Intelligence - applications and technologies that are used to gather, provide, access to and analyze data and information to support decision-making efforts
Example: Make decision

IT resources
- People
- Information technology to work with
- Information

IT cultures
Informational Functional Culture
employees use info as means of exercising influence or power over others. 
Informational Sharing Culture
employees across departments trust each other to use information (improve performance) 
Informational Inquiring Culture
employees across departments search for info better understand the future and align with new trends. 
Informational Discovery Culture
employees across departments are open to new insight and seek ways to create competitive advantages.