Monday 20 August 2012

Chapter 7

Storing Organizational Information - Database

As I said in previous entry, information are everywhere in an organization. So, it means that there must be one storage that used to store that info. The answer is...... 


There are 3 types model of database which is 
  • hierarchical database model
  • network database model
  • relational database model
The function for this 3 model is same - to store the info but the difference is the way the info is stored and each one of the model are suitable for particular types of information.

There are 2 elements of information that stored in the database which is, entity and attributes. Primary keys and foreign keys identify the various entity classes (tables) in the database

5 database advantages from business perspective....

scalability & performance
information integrity
information security

and lastly..........reduce info redundancy

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